One day I went to TopFun. The first thing we did was lasertag. There was a very cool arena. The staff turned on fog machines so we could see the lasers. I won with about 3700 points! Second place was only about 2500! Next, we did mini-golf. It was underwater themed! The hole was always in a tricky spot and there was a crab that made it go backwards if you missed the hole. After that we did glow-in-the-dark go-karts. My sister and I raced and my brother and his friend raced. My brother’ car only went about 2 miles an hour. His friends car went about 5 mph. Our go-karts went about 10 mph, but mine went about 13 mph. Next we went to the arcade. My sister and I went on a virtual reality coaster, but it broke down. Then I did Skeeball, and I got about 44,000. But it didn’t give me anything! At the end I got a spinning top and a little popper that bounces up when you press them. The End
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